SooSL Logo; copyright SIL International 2009 - 2020SIL International - Partners in Language Development

SooSL™ supports the following operating systems:

Latest binary packages


Read these files for more instructions and information.

SooSL-0.9.3 for Windows (93 Mb)
          (bugfix - March 23, 2023)
SooSL-0.9.3 for macOS & Mac OS X (111 Mb)
          (bugfix - March 23, 2023)
SooSL-0.9.3 for Debian (14 Mb)
          (bugfix - March 23, 2023)

Windows, macOS and Mac OS X users:

Download the file for your operating system and double-click on it.
No need to uninstall any old versions of SooSL.
(Windows exception: If you want to install to a different location than your old version,
 then you will need to uninstall your old version first.)

For "silent" installation under Windows, run the installer in a command prompt window with either the "/SILENT" or "/VERYSILENT" command line parameter.
For more information about these command line parameters and others that may be useful, see:

Linux users (Ubuntu and Debian) have two ways to install SooSL:

  1. Setup access to the repositories.
    (Wasta-Linux already has this access setup.)
    (Debian users may need to edit the SIL repository in "Software & Updates" to include "contrib":
    " bullseye main contrib".)
  2. Download the .deb file to the left. Install using your favourite package manager, or in a terminal change to your download directory and type: "sudo apt install ./soosl_0.9.3.230323.6_all.deb".
  • First time Linux users: If you've never installed SooSL before, it "may" not start on your first attempt, but please try again, as it probably will run on your second try.

Installation instructions also found in README.

(123 Mb)

All users:

This file is an example of a SooSL project. We suggest you download and import it as an easy way to learn how to use SooSL before you try making a dictionary of your own.
Click on the "tools" icon Tools Menu (right-most icon at the top of the program window).
Use the "Import Project" icon Import Project to make it available for use with SooSL.

( Older software and Source code )

More Information

0.9.3 [macOS]

Developed under macOS Monterey 12 and tested on Catalina 10.15 and Mojave 10.14.
SooSL runs well on both Intel and M1 processors (using Rosetta).

What's New?


Released - March 21, 2022

  1. Upload to WebSooSL feature added including support for uploading to either a public or private version of the same dictionary
  2. Tool menu items reordered
  3. Improved "About SooSL" dialog
  4. Improved "About Dictionary" dialog
  5. Improved startup screen (displays and logs progress)
  6. Improved file dialogs used for opening, importing and exporting dictionaries
  7. File extensions are now case-insensitive in file dialogs. (.mp4 = .MP4)
  8. When importing a dictionary from a ZooZL file, you can now specify the new project's folder name
  9. Tools menu automatically opens (with usage advice) when opening SooSL without a dictionary
  10. Reinstate sign count in status bar of main window. (Also still available in "About dictionary" dialog.)
  11. Updated interface (display language) translations in Spanish, French, and Romanian
  12. Updated and improved help files covering both the desktop and web versions of SooSL
  13. Revised the words used to describe SooSL, for consistency across SooSL Desktop, SooSL Web, and help files
  14. Word list not reloading after deleting sign [macOS] - fixed
  15. Occasional crashes on opening [Windows] - fixed
  16. File locks not working over network [Linux] - fixed

Bug fixes - April 12, 2022 - macOS

  1. Updated installer for macOS version 12 Monterey.
  2. Fixed Help not opening on Monterey.
  3. Fixed "Upload dictionary" feature on Monterey.

Bug fixes - September 26, 2022 - Linux

  1. Updated for Linux versions 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish and Debian Bullseye.

Bug fixes - March 23, 2023 - All operating systems

  1. Imports of some non-English dictionaries were failing - fixed.
  2. Uploads of large dictionaries to WebSooSL were failing - fixed.
  3. Word list not scrolling for some MacOS users - fixed.
  4. AWS transfer acceleration enabled to improve upload rate to WebSooSL.
  5. Improved upload dialog.
  6. Added interface (display language) translations for Chinese. (traditional and simplified)
  7. "Send feedback" action in tools menu now visible during editing.
  8. Finding a dictionary project to open using the full file dialog ("Other" option in SooSL file dialog) will now return the higher-level project folder if a sub-folder of a project is chosen.